10 Unique Souvenirs Which Can Only Be Purchased in Mongolia

Anyone traveling for tourism or business takes back a souvenir that reflects the specifics of a country, its unique culture and lifestyle, for enjoying oneself or as a gift for the loved ones. But how to make a better and more interesting choice? Here are ten recommendations on the best and most unique gifts and […]

10 Foods You Must Try in Mongolia

Mongolian food is divided into five varieties: white food (dairy products), red food (meat turn ducts), flour food, sweets and beverages. The main food of the nomads, the red food or meats, was mainly consumed in the cold seasons, while the white food, such as milk and dairy products, was used in the warmer seasons. […]

Signature People

You may have noticed that most of the people you pass on the streets of Ulaanbaatar are young adults. This is no coincidence—it represents our demographic reality. Young adults (18-34) make up one third of more than half Mongolia’s population. For this reason, Mongolia today is sometimes known as the “youthful country.” Everybody in our […]

10 Hotels Where You Can Experience the Nomadic Life

Staying in a Mongolian ger dwelling is, undeniably, a unique opportunity to experience the real nomadic life. If you decide to visit Mongolia, you can choose from dozens of Mongolian resorts surrounded by beautiful nature, or you can even spend a night in a ger of a herding family. In other countries, there are also […]

The Woman Who Made the Sun Go Up

I was looking at the rising sun. Is sunlight always so bright and clear? Does the sun always sparkle with such beauty, when she comes up and lights a dark place? I had forgotten it… Hearing N.Norovbanzad singing ‘The Sun over the Placid World’, I was gripped by such thoughts in spite of myself. The […]

B.Bat-Orgil – Metro, Metropolis, Metrosexual

Photographer B.Bat-Orgil is a talented artist with a unique inner world and vision who wants to express his thoughts and feelings through photography and pass on the present to future generations. The capital of the Mongol Empire, Kharkhorum, was the capital of the empire and was often referred to as the “capital of the world”. […]

10 Films That Will Introduce Modern Mongolia

Top Secret 2: Baitag Bogd The Mongolians, who created the greatest world power eight centuries ago, at the beginning of the 20th century fought for their independence. This work will tell about the price of independence acquired through the heroic struggle and efforts of the united nation. Watch the story of brave heroes who defended […]

Ibukuro Tomoko /Beekeeper, CEO of Mihachi/

Японы монгол судлаач И.Томоко монголд олон жил амьдарч буй энтрепренёр бүсгүй. Зөгийнд хачин их хайртай тэрээр зөгийн аж ахуй эрхэлдэг. Ингээд зөгий шигээ хичээнгүй хөдөлмөрч Томокогийн түүхтэй танилцъя. Ибукуро Томоко :  “Зөгийн бал гэдэг чинь зөгийн биенээс гарч байгаа бодис биш. Зөгий биш. Зөгийний мах биш. Нэгдүгээрт, зөгийн бал гэдэг чинь маллаж байгаа амьтны махыг идэхгүй. Амь насыг […]

S.Sarantsatsralt: Man Makes Himself

It’s great that you don’t need a long introduction before our conversation to introduce you to the readers. But there are who would like to know your life credo and look at your inner self. So let’s start from the philosophy of life, agree? – I prefer living my own way, but without making it […]

Zanabazar, The Eternal Light

Scholars highly revere the gift, subtle skill, and genius of Undur Gegeen Zanabazar. Also known as the High Saint, Zanabazar takes his lineage directly from Chinggis Khaan’s Altan Urag or “Golden Clan”. His work within the Oriental Renaissance has been compared to Michelangelo Buonarroti or Leonardo da Vinci. Undur Gegeen was not only a public […]

Footprints of Mongolian Gobi

The clay from the former shores, hills, and soil of the Cretaceous period look like they are on fire during sunrise and sunset. You may feel like you are on a different planet. Really though, you’re in the Mongolian Gobi Desert. Dinosaur fossils from millions of years ago still remain here. Most are small and […]

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