Humans of Mongolia

You may have noticed that most of the people you pass on the streets of Ulaanbaatar are young adults. This is no coincidence—it represents our demographic reality. Young adults (18-34) …

I was looking at the rising sun. Is sunlight always so bright and clear? Does the sun always sparkle with such beauty, when she comes up and lights a dark …

Японы монгол судлаач И.Томоко монголд олон жил амьдарч буй энтрепренёр бүсгүй. Зөгийнд хачин их хайртай тэрээр зөгийн аж ахуй эрхэлдэг. Ингээд зөгий шигээ хичээнгүй хөдөлмөрч Томокогийн түүхтэй танилцъя. Ибукуро Томоко …

Interview with historian and economist B. Naranbadrah Сan you tell us about the history of your horse nursery? -The turning point in my life happened at an international IT conference …

Scholars highly revere the gift, subtle skill, and genius of Undur Gegeen Zanabazar. Also known as the High Saint, Zanabazar takes his lineage directly from Chinggis Khaan’s Altan Urag or …

Interview with The Baatar, a representative of the group of young artists developing an interesting style called “Mongol Country”. The singer of the traditional style of singing “urtyn duu” conquers …

Compared to five hundred years of opera history and theaters with centuries of history, the Academic Opera and Ballet Theater built in Mongolia, the birthplace of Genghis Khan, may seem …

The Great Chinggis Khaan (1162-1227) played an important role in shaping the history of Mongolia and the world. Traditionally, Chinggis Khaan had been revered by the Mongols, because he was …

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