Interview with The Baatar, a representative of the group of young artists developing an interesting style called “Mongol Country”. The singer of the traditional style of singing “urtyn duu” conquers the youth with his unique performance of Mongolian folk songs in the “country” style.


Where did this singer suddenly come from? was the first question people asked. What are these beautiful songs? What an interesting new style! This is something new! at first, they thought. And only then there were questions about me. At first, of course, people got something that they had never heard before, new and ephemeral, but at the same time somewhat familiar. For a while, this surprised and attracted people.

This new was the country style, not the original one, but so-called “Mongolian country”. Original country style unlike my style. Will I sing or not sing in the original style? that is a different issue. Mongolian country is an idea scooped from the very beginning of folk songs of the “urtyn” style. I didn’t have any technical difficulties, I just had to come up with this style idea. Of course, this is a lingering song, it must be sung in the “urtyn” technique. This is the actual difference. I play the “morin khuur” instrument. Also, play the traditional “tsuur” flute.

Before I started singing my songs, I practiced traditional Mongolian instruments and created folk art. Our national music is the very live music. It just came out from the people. Used to sing folk songs live at work and at concerts. But now the essence of music itself has changed. This difference in style and music from the original folk songs arouses curiosity and interest. Although otherwise the idea of ​​the song and the songs themselves are the same, they evoke different feelings and associations. And in every place where it will be possible to present this novelty to my fellow Mongolians, I will show and transmit this art. My long-term plan.



Шинэхэн нэрсэн
Шимийн сархад нь сэтгэлд өнгийнө
Тооноор тольдох
Дугуй саран бодолд хөвөрнө
Дуу шиг уяран
Дурлал шиг асах дулаахан орой
Зүрхний үгээ
Зүггүй өчмөөр зориг шулуудна

Тоонот гэрт минь тогоогоо нэрээч
Торомгорхон бүсгүй минь
Аашны сайхан амтанд чинь автаад
Салахын аргагүй еэ

Зөөлөн зөөлөн нэрэх галын чинь дөл
Зүрхний минь гүнд нь бадамлана
Чимчигнэх уруул минь
Сэтгэлийг минь нэрнээ
Дүүрэн дүүрэн мэлтийх аяганаас чинь
Дуулим тал шиг сэтгэл тэнийнээ
Ичингүйрэх чинийхээ
Ид шидэнд нь автана

Цагаан гар чинь
Цэгээгээ барихад харц минь тулгарна
Цангаа тайлах
Царайнд чинь мэлмэрч дурлалдаа согтуурна
Янаг хайрын
Яргуй дэлбээлж цээжийг дэлсэлнэ
Догдлох зүрх минь
Даруу зантайгаа зөрөн тэрсэлнэ

Тоонот гэрт минь тогоогоо нэрээч
Торомгорхон бүсгүй минь
Аашны сайхан амтанд чинь автаад
Салахын аргагүй еэ

Зөөлөн зөөлөн нэрэх галын чинь дөл
Зүрхний минь гүнд нь бадамлана
Чимчигнэх уруул минь
Сэтгэлийг минь нэрнээ
Дүүрэн дүүрэн мэлтийх аяганаас чинь
Дуулим тал шиг сэтгэл тэнийнээ
Ичингүйрэх чинийхээ
Ид шидэнд нь автнаа

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