Mankind has been using natural compounds of animal, vegetable and mineral origin since its inception, which are now an important part of medicine and culture.  In eastern civilizations like China and India there is evidence that natural compounds were used 5,000 years ago, and in early western civilizations like Ancient Greece and Rome 2,500 years ago. Evidence has been preserved that the ancestors of the Mongols from the Khyan tribe used medicinal herb potions 5000 years ago, and the Huns 2200 years ago.  Although there are no written sources on this subject, there are enough archeological finds. Let us deliver more about three natural miracle products that have been valued by nomads for thousands of years.



Mongolian Astragalus is a very rare plant that has been proven by many scientific experiments to have greater medicinal properties than ginseng, widely used in oriental medicine.  At the present time, the Mongols grow this plant and use it in medicine.  Astragalus has an amazing effect that restores immunity, treats diabetes, inhibits the growth of cancer, thins the blood, removes toxins from the body, rejuvenates and has anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties.

Washed astragalus is often added to soups and teas, and infused in water, broth, milk, or alcohol.  In recent years, the Mongols have revived the tradition of adding astragalus to their famous milk tea.



Known throughout the world as the golden root, Rhodiola rosea has the miraculous ability to rejuvenate the body, heal the soul, and improve the mental faculties of the body and mind.  Since ancient times, the plant has been used in the treatment of many diseases, including diabetes, pneumonia, osteoporosis, bone damage, trauma, mental and emotional disorders, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disorders.

A common use of the golden root is also boiling in water and infusing in alcohol.  You should not be surprised if a tincture of the golden root is stored in a simple Mongolian house today.



More than 60 species of wild fruit and berry crops grow in the vast steppe, taiga and forest regions of Mongolia.  Among them, sea buckthorn is known as the royal berry.  And this is not accidental.   Sea buckthorn berries are rich in various vitamins, amino acids, biologically active substances, organic acids and microelements.  To give just one example: ripe sea buckthorn berries contain 50-500 mg of ascorbic acid, and the leaves and twigs of sea buckthorn bushes are also rich in vitamin C.  Therefore, the Mongols still use it to prevent and treat colds and flu during the cold season.

Sea buckthorn is the only berry containing oil, and sea buckthorn oil is widely used to treat stomach ulcers, cardiovascular disease, open wounds, burns and frostbites.

Today, the Mongols, relying on the vast knowledge of their ancient sages and ancestors about health, produce a wide range of drugs, extracts, tinctures, vodka and other food products without compromising the beneficial features of these wonderful herbs and berries, which are the best of Mongolian medicinal plants.

These products can be purchased at Mongolian grocery stores and pharmacies, and in restaurants you can enjoy dishes and delicious drinks that include astragalus, golden root and sea buckthorn.

According to the traditional Mongolian custom, I wish you peace, longevity and happiness.

Монголчуудын уламжлал ёсоор “Энх байж, урт насалж, удаан жаргаарай” хэмээн ерөөе.

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